Tropical Disease Insurance Online :: AXA Thailand
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  • Annual premium starts at THB 146/year
  • No medical check-up required
  • Lump sum benefits up to 30,000 THB
  • Children can apply without parents
  • Claim the sum insured after 1-night admission as inpatient
  • Get policy via email and get insured instantly when purchasing online
  • Premium is permitted for annual tax deduction, depending rule on matters related to taxation upon the Revenue Department

Enable yourself and your family to be prepared for Dengue fever and Tropical diseases with affordable and fixed premium throughout the contract period.


Table of Tropical Disease Insurance Benefits

Type of Coverage Sum Insured (THB)
Total Premium (including stamp duty and VAT)

ประกันยุง Type 1 Dengue fever




ประกันยุง Type 2 Dengue fever + 4 Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes:
      Chikungunya, Zika Virus Disease, Malaria, and Encephalitis





1. Insurable age is between 15 days and not over 70 years old.
2. Waiting period of 30 days applies
3. The sum insured is payable when the Insured is diagnosed with one of the specified diseases and has received treatment as an in-patient (IPD) at a medical facility in Thailand.
4. The benefit is payable once per policy period.
5. Maximum 1 policy per person


Terms and conditions of coverage and underwriting as specified by AXA, the Insured should understand before making the decision.


AXA Tropical Disease Insurance,

helps you to better handle diseases transmitted by mosquitoes which are an important arboviral infection. It is a one out of five leading cause of serious illness and death with the highest incidence rates and it is found in tropical and sub-tropical climates worldwide. AXA Tropical Disease Insurance offers lump sum benefits with starting premium at 146 Baht/year. Registration is easy and no pre-medical check-up required.

*The insured can purchase maximum of 1 policy per person*

Dengue fever in Thailand

The global incidence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades. About half of the world's population is now at risk. There are an estimated 100-400 million infections each year according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The number of dengue cases reported to Department of Disease Control in 2023 is 59,000 cases and reported deaths is 49 cases. Around 50% was generally found in young children and adults aged 5 - 24 years and affected to all regions in Thailand.

(Source: Department of Disease Control)


Thais and foreigners between the age of 15 days and not over 70 years old. Children under 18 years old can apply without parents on the policy.

No medical check-up required.

The sum insured is payable as sum insured in selected plan when the insured is diagnosed with Dengue fever and has received treatments as inpatient (IPD) at a medical facility in Thailand.

The policy will be effective on the selected date by the member , as specified on the schedule. This policy has a waiting period of 30 days (Except for accidental injuries).

The premium depends on selected plan starting from 146 Baht/year*. You can check premium Click Here (*Premium of plan 1 to cover only Dengue fever with sum insured 10,000 Baht)

Premium is permitted for annual tax deduction, depending rule on matters related to taxation upon the Revenue Department.

You can buy online directly and get policy instantly via email Click Here